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Eagle Sketch


The pet play lifestyle is full of so many voices that make it unique and vibrant. To showcase this, every month we will be shining the spotlight on a particular human animal or Handler in our community. Let's hear what makes every pet player special!

This February, we are thrilled to share with you our first featured feline! She's been influencing the pet play community for many years, making strides wherever her paws lead. And she's also our current Community Stray, tasked with assisting our social outreach, educational initiatives, collaborations, sponsorships, and more! Introducing...


Please introduce yourself and how you identify in pet play.

My name is Mystery! I am a black shorthaired, stray cat! I'm a mutt, meaning I dont identify as any one breed!

How did you first get started in pet play?

I always say I've been a cat before it was kinky. Back in elementary, I used to pretend my shadow was a cat. I always imagined there was this black cat watching over me and guiding me. When I was in high school, I used to wear cat ears ALL the time. People used to make fun of me relentlessly!

Later, when I learned about BDSM, pet play was just the icing on the cake. I dont *need* to identify as a pet player in order to experience harmony with my cat side. As I later learned, there are many terms and lifestyles that coincide with an inner spirit animal. But, being the kinky fucker that I am, I'm happy to express my cat space through pet play, and identify as a pet player!

What's it like to identify as a cat when playing with pups and other creatures?

In general, my petspace is pretty independent. It makes playing with any species of other pet a pretty unique experience. My cat space is quite feral. She's a street cat for all intents and purposes. So any time I'm playing with other pets, it's me exercising a more conscientious version of a very instinct-based animal to make sure everyone involved is having an equally pleasant experience.

I actually tend to interact with pups and other animals more easily than with other cats, because it gives me more opportunities to stand back and watch them play, or play fight with them, whereas many people have very docile kitten spaces, and that doesn't match with Mystery very much.

However, I really get a thrill in the rare occasion that I get to be the only pet in the room. It lets me focus on things like playing "keep away from the humans," and finding tight spaces to hide behind, and I just get to be my illusive, selectively social self.

What are your favorite activities as a pet?

My favorite activities are napping, observing, being mysterious! I like to make people wonder what I'm thinking or feeling. I also love a good tussle!

How would you like to see the pet play community grow in the future?

I'd like to see more people express themselves through pet play. I'd love to see more events where animals are allowed to be a bit more aggressive/primal with each other. And I'd love for there to be more events that are able to take place outdoors, in private spaces.

What do you love most about pet play?

The thing I love most about pet play is having a space where I can express my cat self, and other people will accept that version of myself as reality, even if only for a while. I love when others interact with me as a cat, and forgo my human face. It allows me the freedom to express my inner animal to my fullest capability.

To keep up with this feral feline, follow her on Instagram @a.little.mystery!

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he pet play lifestyle is full of so many voices that make it unique and vibrant. To showcase this, every month we will be shining the spotlight on a particular human animal or Handler in our community. Let's hear what makes every pet player special!

This January, we chatted with a special fox, whose joyful and infectious personality lights up the room at every mosh he attends. He's also the current Mr. SoCal Leather! Introducing...


Please introduce yourself and how you identify in pet play.

Hello I’m Romyn (pet name pending), and I am a playful fox!

How did you first get into pet play?

I first got introduced to pet play through my best friend, Pup Icarus. We would go to a lot of moshes together and through that, I discovered my pet play identity.

What gets you into your fox headspace?

Putting on my hood and fox tail help me get into head space a lot. And cuddles. Ooh, and head scratches. People with long nails scratching my head is the best!

(Fun fact, Romyn was the winner of our first Wruff Stuff sponsored hood giveaway in 2019! Isn't the hood he chose perfect?!)

What are your favorite toys and treats?

Sweet and salties are my favorite treats. Scooby snacks and beef jerky come to mind. Ooh and cheez-it’s! I could eat a box ! 😸

I like anything bouncy or things that have fun textures! I also do love the occasional stuffy.

How, if at all, does your identity with the leather community interact with your pet play identity?

I feel like a lot of my leather journey started when I was going to pet moshes and pup nights. So for me they’ve really always been connected.

What hopes do you have for the leather puppy/pet community in the future?

I hope that we can create a community that is really accessible and that addresses the inequalities and injustices of the world at large through love and healing. I would love to see a community that lifts up and serves the most disenfranchised among us.

What do you love most about pet play?

I love the fact that I can let go of the stress and anxieties of everyday hooman life. It’s a time I can just let my playful and primal side out.

To keep up with this playful fox, follow him on Instagram @romynboywonder.

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Admittedly, this announcement is a little late - but that doesn't mean it's not exciting!

We worked on this project for months with Vixen at the helm, determined to create a virtual playground to keep all of us engaged and connected with our fellow pet players around the world. And now, it is a reality...

Our Discord Server!

Our official launch week saw an incredible influx of pet players (we're talking like 60 within the first day), and it's only been growing since.

You can:

- Chat with other pets and handlers;

- Share skills, steamy stories, and advice;

- Show off your gear, toys, and treats;

- Role Play in a number of rotating settings designed for all animal types;

- Search for someone to explore deeper with;

- And SO much more!

This Discord server is a permanent part of our community - meaning that, COVID or not, it will stay up and running for as long as there is a desire for it. And to be honest, we hope that means forever!

No matter where you are, we are proud to say that you have a real-time, ongoing virtual home with SoCal Creatures.

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