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We Are On Discord!

Admittedly, this announcement is a little late - but that doesn't mean it's not exciting!

We worked on this project for months with Vixen at the helm, determined to create a virtual playground to keep all of us engaged and connected with our fellow pet players around the world. And now, it is a reality...

Our Discord Server!

Our official launch week saw an incredible influx of pet players (we're talking like 60 within the first day), and it's only been growing since.

You can:

- Chat with other pets and handlers;

- Share skills, steamy stories, and advice;

- Show off your gear, toys, and treats;

- Role Play in a number of rotating settings designed for all animal types;

- Search for someone to explore deeper with;

- And SO much more!

This Discord server is a permanent part of our community - meaning that, COVID or not, it will stay up and running for as long as there is a desire for it. And to be honest, we hope that means forever!

No matter where you are, we are proud to say that you have a real-time, ongoing virtual home with SoCal Creatures.

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