Hi, I'm Gwynevere Howl!
Pet Age:
WereWolf-Cat (Lykoi)
May Interested Adopters Contact This Pet Prior to the Event?
Discord- username; gwynhowls
Best for a Home With...
Sapphic relationship, hoping to find a partner.
My Info
Good With:
Pups, Cats/Kittens, First time I have no idea what I'm doing
My Friends Describe Me As:
Couch Potato, Cuddle Bug, Zoomies Specialist, Shy, Smart, Silly, Playful, Gentle, Curious, Sweet
Manners & Training:
I want to learn! But I may give a blank stare and head tilt when you speak
Interests, Limits, & Needs
Favorite Activities/Interests:
I have no idea what I'm doing- please help
Interested in non-typical pet play BDSM activities (such as impact, electro, bondage, etc.) at this event?
I'm willing to learn
Favorite Treats/Rewards:
Headpats, pet, snuggles- paw/hand holding- (gentle affections)
Things I Don't Like (Limits):
Abuse, yelling, being forced into sexual activities.
All nuts/, sulfur/sulphites
How to Know If I'm Unhappy + Safe Words/Actions:
I will isolate/get very quiet and teary-eyed- inevitably breaking down.
Any Physical or Psychological Needs an Adopter should know about?
I have depression & anxiety- and am mildly autistic (high functioning) but I tend to miss social cues- but I promise to do my best. I also have a self-destructive tendencies where I assume I am a burden/am causing trouble. Please correct me as needed.