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The pet play lifestyle is full of so many voices that make it unique and vibrant. To showcase this, every month we will be shining the spotlight on a particular human animal or Handler in our community. Let's hear what makes every pet player special! This month, we're featuring the self-proclaimed "loudest husky in the room." Crowned LA Pup 2018, he is a trailblazer in the Los Angeles leather kink community, woofing love and welcome into the hearts of human pets everywhere. Introducing...


Please introduce yourself, your pronouns, and how you identify in pet play.

I am Pup Rush - he/him or just yell "damn it!" ( I'll know you're talking to me) I am a Siberian Husky.

How did you first get into pet play and discover your headspace/s?

I hate to admit it, but I found pet play on Tumblr. I really got to explore it with my former Mistress - she balanced a treat on my nose and after that, I had to dive in head first.

What are some of your favorite pet play activities?

I love dog show things and being the demonstration puppy; if there's a place that I can interact with people have people interact with me, I'm totally doing it. Also, I really like it when my handler shibaris [uses a rope tie to fasten] a plastic red toboggan to me and lets me run around the house.

(How fun!)

We loved seeing you represent the puppy play community as LA Pup 2018. What has winning that title meant to you, then and now?

When I first won LA Pup, it meant that I got to leave my mark in leather history. Not only that, I got to have our community say someone who looks like me is welcome and they wanted someone who looks like me to represent them. Now I see it as a very large milestone in a very long journey that I am currently on. Winning LA Pup and representing my community was fantastic; having an LA patch, which I honestly believe is one of the most special things that you can get in the world, on my back was amazing and now I get to watch that family grow and expand and invite more people in and say that you, too, are a part of us.

How do you hope to see the pup and pet play communities grow and improve in the coming years?

I want to see more diversity. I want to see even more people represented, and I want to see more pets represented because LA isn't just full of puppies - it has ponies and a triceratops and dragons and foxes...and yes even cats (blarg). I want to see all of us represented; when I see a poster for one of our events, I want to see all of us represented. When we come together to raise up a new title holder, I want all of us to come together. I always say we have an open play event because all the love and kindness and understanding that I have found in our family is invaluable, and I want us to share that as much as we can.

What advice do you have for pet players looking for their place in the community?

Show up and show out is the best advice I can give. We want you to come in and eat at our bowl, drink in our dish. You're a part of the family already, you march under our banner and we welcome you, we just need to know where you are. So show up, show out, and play with us. One of the unique things I have found about the pet family is that you're already loved, you're already welcome, we already want you - you just need to come inside through the pet door! (Which we leave open)

What do you love most about pet play?

The thing I love about our pet family the most is that I've been to events where the shyest person in the room gets taken by the hand and introduced to everyone. I love that it doesn't matter if you're a puppy, a kitty, a dragon, whatever - you're shown that you have a place in our family and that we want you to be there and it's not just we want you to be there from a passive place, it's very active. We don't treat family as just a noun, we treat family as a verb. We treat kindness, love, and understanding all as active verbs every time we meet. It's really a family reunion when we get together, the love is so powerful sometimes no matter where you are in the room you feel like you're being wrapped in a giant blanket.

To keep up with Pup Rush and the love he exudes for community, follow him on Twitter @_puprush!

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SoCal Creatures now has an Amazon Wishlist! We always need to restock supplies, and have so many ideas to provide new experiences to our community. However, we are a not-for-profit community, led by volunteers who do not always have the means to dump finances into these supplies. And with our typical overhead, there often isn't much left over after our payout from an event to make big purchases.

For this reason, we've created a wishlist so that you can support us directly if you have the means. This is even more helpful than cash donations, as you're purchasing the specific items we need most!

We will update this wishlist regularly, and 100% of supplies will go to use in our events and to the benefit of the pet players who join us.

Thank you so much in advance! We so appreciate your support in all that we do.

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The pet play lifestyle is full of so many voices that make it unique and vibrant. To showcase this, every month we will be shining the spotlight on a particular human animal or Handler in our community. Let's hear what makes every pet player special! This month, we're spotlighting a music-making subby woofer with the best snuggles in town.



Please introduce yourself, your pronouns, and how you identify in pet play.

Hi! I’m Gina (She/Her) and I’m a loyal, snuggly malamute! I also go by Subwoofer since I’m a subby woofer who makes music!

How did you first get into pet play and discover your headspace?

I first came across pet play on Tumblr, as so many of us do! After working up the courage to buy my first hood and go to Threshold, a few critters invited me to my first SoCal Creatures event in early 2020. I was an anxious mess at first, especially since I’m autistic and socializing can be scary, but borking around with the other pups was so fun and freeing. More than anything, I realized it felt safe.

Being a pup has since become a huge part of my identity. It’s me without all of the anxiety and masking. I’ve come to see my pup identity as the most authentic way I can express myself!

What are your favorite treats/rewards?

Scritches and smacks! I’m as snuggly as I am masochistic. There’s nothing better than a good snug or thud from my handler!

What helps you get into your pet headspace?

Even when I can’t show it, I’m always a pup in my mind! My pup gear, especially my hood and paws, helps ground me and a good scritch will always get me barking! Being around my handler always brings out my pup side, too.

How, if at all, do your intersections of identity influence your pet play?

Spending time with my fellow trans critters is always healing. On top of that (pun intended) I’m a switchy pup and I love playing with my human chew toy!

Being autistic, all the scritches and toys are perfect for my sensory needs. It’s nice to do away with pesky words and confusing social norms. And, when I get overstimulated, nothing beats relaxing in my quiet cozy kennel (aka my bedroom closet)!

What are some goals you have as a pet for 2023?

I’m looking forward to spending more time with the critter community! I’m certainly a shy pupper, but I’m planning to go to more events in 2023 and hopefully make new friends!

What do you love most about pet play?

How healing it is! Pet play has given me a chosen family, an outlet for my sensory needs, and an empowering sense of identity. I can’t imagine life without it!

To keep up with this subwoofin' malamute, follow her on Instagram @_.subwoofer._

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